We are excited to announce Manly Touch will be hosting our inaugural Eagles Cup Gala Day in February 2024. This Gala Day is specifically targeted at Development Teams and those not competing at Junior State Cup. If your Association has Development Teams in age groups from U10 to U14s, or local competition teams that would like to partake in our Gala Day, then register now.

Date: Sunday 11th February, 2024
Time: From 8am onwards
Location: Nolan Reserve, North Manly
Age Groups: U10, U12 & U14 Girls and Boys
Cost: $100 per team, payable at the time of registration
NOTE: All teams need to supply their own referee.

Registration will stay open until 11th January 2024, unless age groups reach capacity earlier. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Junior Development Director via [email protected]